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Born to Be Non Compliant Vol. 1

Ok I said it was coming! Its been a while since I dabbled in a social issue! Today, we delve into the true meaning of being self sufficient, put your compost pile away Kyle, you are not helping anyone. Just kidding.... YOU ARE TOTALLY HELPING KYLE! The point of this post, is defiance, peacefully, and how 'just wanting to be left alone' has lost all meaning. There is plenty of talk about the way things should be these days, so here's how we do it, and all the positive and negative to come with it.

To most people, non compliance is marching, or throwing a flaming bottle. All my life I have been a homesteader in training, and it wasn't up until recently that I really had to take a look into the idea of being 'self sufficient'. What it truly means, and how important it is to the structure of life. I had always known life for what it is, which is living it fully, and making it for yourself. I never had to analyze what it really meant in a spectrum of corporations because, I never really followed what an influence was. I found my own, I made my own, and came back to my own. I carry a strong legacy in the idea of anarchism, in the truest for, and also, I have a fancy lap top and streaming services, is it ok to do both? Uh... yes... According to me! See? Living for yourself is exactly as it means.

This isn't gonna be a very long drug out article, it doesn't need to be. Life is as simple as what we make of it. Some of us, want a nice big business with lots of money to keep our security, all good on you! Go for it! Some choose to go off the grid and make their house out of branches. YOU DO YOU MAN! Some of us just want a simple and comfortable life to raise a family. And then some of us want to judge others based on their decisions... BOO! YOU ARE THE REASON WE ARE HERE!

We are already getting into the fun point here! The idea of civil disobedience is going against what civilization says. Its not just a coupe against the government, its an outcry against any type of power. That means anyone trying to force you to do things a certain way silly. The idea I have been raised on since day one, as that if it isn't directly hurting someone, stay out of it. I try to hold very true to that. I think for myself in that aspect, which comes down to.. TADA non compliance! I know, I know, at this point this totally sounds like a lecture, and it is. It's a simple cry to go back to the roots of who we are. The idea of 'I am only correct here' is killing the structure of humanity. Everyone in the end wants compliance, and I simply refuse. I think we all should, we all have means. As a species, we have become reliant on compliance for a direction to be led in, especially as of late, I wont exclude it to one Country or the other because we all know this episode is entitled "Set the entire world on fire". Some people want that. Those people are very simple minded.

I have a lot of friends as of late waiting to "Take it to the streets" these are friends... friends who have never experienced any kind of street without a pothole, but they are focused on change. In their minds, they are the biggest threat out there, and they are, to all the wrong people. People who work very hard are losing here folks. We are becoming the machine, 'movements' are making money and influencing your opinion and political affiliation in mailed letters, back in the day we called it the 'diversion' it was from what I hear. Its nothing new, we just have a false sense of profoundness because we learned our opinion from well written documents meant to influence. All my life, I have always been taught never to comply in all the right ways. That means, to me.. Pay for what you have, and be left alone with the rest. Now, I am done lecturing, lets get into the fun part!

You may be asking where the fuck I am going with this one, and this is why I dont touch on social issues because I can ramble for hours, so I will get to the point. The point here to this whole thing is that, Conglomocorps does not own the world, they aren't concrete, and they are fully dependent on you. We often cry about the rich not paying taxes, when we cant face the hard truth that, what they are doing, is totally legit, and its the way things have always been run. The dude who collected Super Soakers because his Dad had a cool job, can't lecture me about the idea of capitalism. The generation who brought us such expensive structure to monopolize into power for reasons unknown such as the wonderous cell phone that does everything but make calls correctly. We think we are smart but caught in the trap of the cycle of.. well.. changing times. Just as your Grandpa had to buy a 400 dollar radio, or a 600 dollar color TV out of frustrated convenience, we have been introduced to the new way of thinking. We aren't special in our time here, we are just following along like the car buyers and flyers, who paid for convenience and speed. Even trains replaced horses, you ain't gonna fight em off man.

The best we can do and hope for, is to live for ourselves, and make the most of what you pay for. When it comes down to the tax man, you ain't gonna hide.... and we shouldn't be listening to people who rent telling us how this works. Property tax, is the most valuable of all, and the biggest pain in the ass. So that's the spot to hit them the hardest, your property. How do I know? Done it all my life. Your community, and the land you take speak volumes, be smart about it, want more? Work harder, tired of paying? Trade something. This is life and its totally doable. The biggest kick in the ass to give them? Learn to work together. Keep them in business for the minimal amount, just as we would a Mom and Pop market, stopping in for 'only what we need'. What you need is where this gets tricky.

What is it you actually need? Is entertainment a priority? What do I have to work with? What can I make? What can I buy in bulk? I can't answer that, you can, don't feel guilty for what you see as important. I can grow my own food, butcher my own meat, collect my own eggs, split wood for heat, use the idea of 'scraps' and most of all... I can trade. I got something people want, whether it be skill, time, a helping hand, produce, a good recipe, or even a cup of sugar. They also likely have something I want, and with enough of something with a friend you can get yourself somewhere. I was raised to believe it was OK to trade work for food, because you were helping someone greatly, we often OFTEN let people worse than us stay here to help, it was communal, they didn't have money, but could pay my Grandfather in work. In return they had all other luxuries handled. His belief was, everyone was entitled to something they put work into. Its uh, that simple. Even in the most urban of areas, everyone has a skill, and if the community returns back into the community to rely on, we will learn so much more about each other and our own self worth.

Thats right, this whole long rant led up to something that simple, talk to your neighbor! Ain't got one within walking distance? Even better! Is it that wrong to be able to say "Hey Bill, I noticed you have a useless tire that is covered in weeds and years of dirt, I will offer this fabulous bag of Oreos because I know they are your weakness". Chances are he isn't even gonna know what you are talking about and say "Here ya go!" Well, now even in a 5 foot by 5 foot concrete backyard you have a makeshift growing area! This is simplicity at its finest. old milks jugs? You mean hanging baskets right? Is this a fix in every situation? Of course not, but that way of thinking can plant its own seed into thinking better, and researching for personal gain.

To close this one before I just keep rambling on about nothing, lemme get to the point. Living under the radar and taking on the Government has lost meaning. We have taken codes from people who weren't doing it right, to describe how to take on the bigger picture. You will not reach your goal by burning down a Wal Mart. If you think you are bigger than police, show up at their door. But... If you choose to do that just know you aren't changing a thing, this isn't revolution, its property damage due to venting. I am going to end up delving into this with a little more explanation on each side, I guess this is just another 'intro' to something that will take a couple posts to explain, we are in a fucked position lately, and I would like to write a few short posts on my feelings on the matter because in the end, I do have a voice... bear with me and lets see if I can help make change!! Thanks for reading this cluster of an I don't know, I will explain better positions throughout my next few posts... Stay tuned!


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