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The Day the Clowns Died

I spent all day trying to cover the events that led up today. But you know, I just cant, I cant even come up with the words anymore. To be honest, I'm exhausted Politically, I don't wanna cover this either! But I just wanna provide some insight and tomorrow, totally writing about something cool I promise!

I have heard the topic a hundred times today, in a hundred forms. Some celebrated profoundly, some said "Thank you so much Mr. President you will be missed!" If you're a band like Pearl Jam you talked about Freedom from oppression, while suing someone for resembling you too much. Or even, someone sharing Hillary memes for some reason.. yes, its true, saw it with my own two peepers. The last thing I wanna do is give more God damn insight for people to get mad about. Instead, here's how I want to address the court.

We have let our opinion become our voice. We have let historical education slip away under the guise of "Oh my God they are removing this! I'm not allowed to discuss it anymore!". The other end of that spectrum being the obvious "If I am going to change something, its going to have to get banned!" We now know 700 million trillion years worth of historical documents because, "Well someone wrote something about it that I read somewhere". It started with your Grandpa getting a Myspace and a webcam, it ended with.............. um, whatever this is. You monsters voted Trump, and you other monsters got poor APU killed. Yes, I OBVIOUSLY still watch the Simpsons Mr. or Mrs. Gatekeeper!

And that's the next part of this story. The name used to be poison to me, sadly, I almost fell head first right into the trap on both ends! At first, I was amused, and then 'enraged' because he made fun of a reporter. I couldn't believe we were letting this happen in our Country, the 'elites' letting a man like this into the Presidential race? "No! it was fandom! it's the Trump fans! They don't like black people! One of them looked at me funny! I cant believe my kids gotta live under this dude!"

Then, one day, I asked my first question in the process. It was right before Thanksgiving, I was a sarcastic loser who worked at a grocery store and made some Hipster friends. I worked all night and day to be with my Hipster friends and talk about Trump and just be totally edgy! I was cool again! My kids? Well they loved the hell out of me anyways, I think.

Ah yes, the story.

After a pretty wild Thanksgiving party at school "Thing 1" was overly happy. She just wanted to tell us about the Thanksgiving meal between two groups of people. Anyways, as we sat in the BK drive thru, our renegade tagalong who wanted a ride to work, said the next words that woke me from my 'Political nap'.

With no provoking or discussion, she decided it was in good taste to look a 4 year old dead in the eyes and ask her why her teacher let her wear an 'Indian hat'. She was "White, and it was uncalled for, and my daughters teacher should be ashamed" with detailed explanation why, awesome, you fought the system. You ever seen a kids heart truly break? That was the moment for me. No joking about it. There was no tears, But I will never forget the "Dad, how could you let her say that, is it true? Did we kill the Indibins?! What's white?" look she gave me. I was fucked, what do I cherish? my opinion or my kid? I mean, I hope you didn't think I actually had to think about that.

"Who did I think I was?" That was the first question I asked. My Daughter, my reason for being here, the person who used to come running to me after work. One of the people that actually hang out with me out of enjoyment and love! I let someone's words influence her life negatively. You might hope to think we dropped this chick off right there in the parking lot but, no. I was silent, and ashamed. That's it, I can write words all day, but there is no possible way to describe how I felt. I had always kept my rambling quiet in front of the kids. I never wanted to directly influence their minds on a Political spectrum, isn't that what we are trying to fight?

I went from inciting mini riots in the Soda aisle because someone asked me what Trump had for breakfast, to working on night shift and sleeping all day. I had to become my dad to escape true Tyranny. For a long time I floated in the middle, and for a long time I sided with Trump supporters in some aspects, and I lost a lot more friends doing that than my anti Trump speeches would have ever cost me.

It took me being in one actual situation to learn my final stance in life. Judge by character and not opinion. This isn't hard, we have been doing it for a long time and attacking REAL issues that should be noted as VICTORIES in this country. We are doing fine here, is there bad people? Yes, always has been, always will be. However if we can glamourize serial killers into total fandom (obviously, I'm not saying its a bad thing), and immortalize a Television show all about the creation and distribution of Meth, something someone said in a Grocery store in North Dakota, shouldn't phase you unless you know the person. Debating good intentions is not a 15 hour debate process. Everyone knows someone of every color that is a waste. It isn't a color thing, neither is decency. I hope we remember this until the next Election where we really go batshit crazy, just give me 4 years to build my empire here first!


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