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Angus, A Throwback

Everyone has that one movie, the one they have seen a million times and it throws you right back into a comfort zone. That one movie, where the opening credits immediately grab you and pull you into another time and place. For me, that movie is Angus, that one movie that can withstand the storm of time. It takes me back to our living room with the "grown ups" tv, a little 13 channel standard small block of a tv. However, we had a VCR in there, and sometimes, ever since I was little, I would be allowed to sit in there and binge movies instead of the designated "Playroom" where I spent most of my time. In this living room, I found my love for GWAR and King Diamond, and so on. However, Angus is clearly different from my normal watch list, not that I don't enjoy a good old-fashioned 90's comedy. I don't always watch horror, I know, a big surprise for all of us. I first found it at West Coast Video after seeing so many previews. I watched it 6 times that weekend, and before returning it, we recorded it... Several times. I knew this type of movie pertained to me, like it was made for me. It was like someone out there looked at my life story, I was, and still am, Troy Wedberg at heart. The weird little kid who just wanted to be himself.

I was your average bullied kid all through my school career, from elementary on, someone somewhere found some reason... to harass and bully me. I did my best to survive it, for the most part, I have admitted several times, and wrote about 100 different blogs and three books on the subject. My upbringing and school career left me fucking damaged. Angus was the one thing there for me. I would watch it at least five times a week and still watch it every chance I remember it. My mind has faded from fandom just a tad bit or I would demand Criterion recognition. It's just that special to me... OK, moving on to the movie.

If you haven't seen it... I am sorry. Its a movie that everyone should see at least once. I remember it being on TNT a lot on a Sunday evening and from the opening credits on I was glued to the TV. It's not a simple movie, it covers so much, and I could relate to it all. I had one friend that I stuck with, I had lost a lot of people in my life and was overwhelmed by grief. It's a battle cry for the person that couldn't just be left alone. The movie delivers a powerful story, it took a stab at social ques, and called them out. The entire cast works perfectly together and Charlie Talbert delivers the most powerful message I could ever hear at that age, in THAT scenario, he became heroic. I however, related more to Troy, place by none other than "the sherminator" Chris Owen. Everyone put such passion into their roles.

The idea of pushing back against your bullies is kind of forbidden without getting beat up, so I could watch Angus break noses and say the things I wanted to say. As an added bonus, we were given one of the best soundtracks from the time featuring Goo Goo Dolls from a better place and time, and also The Muffs and Weezer, the perfect setup for a weird kid in the 90's. I can't even describe the movie without gushing and fanboying. The perfect setup and delivery. And it means so much to me still to this day.

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