Fruity Pebbles are turning 50! My #1 Cereal(11 months out of the year)! Here's 50 of all my favorite, and least favorite cereals past and present, and even some I never got the honor of trying but always wanted!

"Yeah Congrats... I had marshmallows and mini Erector sets, I taught kids things!!"
-Pac- Man Cereal

"Yeah, WE WERE SMURFS WITH BERRIES! no one let us live 50 years!"
-Smurf- Berry Crunch

"I'm sorry sir, we stop making donut cereal at 7 am for the day"
-Dunkin Donuts Cereal

"Wahahahaha! I am still this dudes all time favorite! You just entertain him the rest of the year- I mean... Happy Birthday!"
-Boo Berry

"I pitty da foo! Who dont ea- Oh wait, someone already did that... Happy Birthday Foo!"
-Mr. T Cereal

"I am the knight! Ok I am the worst cereal ever, sorry.."
-Batman Cereal

"Oh yeah?! We didn't even taste like Ice Cream! Congrats on having The Flinstones as spokespeople!"
-Ice Cream Cones Cereal

"You know we should still be around too! Lousy rotten cheats!"
-Nintendo Cereal System

"Haha! I'm still around, except for in CANADA AHAHAHAHAHAHA... sorry.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
-Oops All Berries

"What were we to you?! A JOKE?!?! YOU MONSTERS! Oh yeah.. Happy Birthday!"
-Deep Sea Crunch

"You may be favorite, but at one time so were we! And he misses us haha!"
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal

"Ralston?! Who the hell is Ralston?! Why couldn't we have a cool brand?!"
-Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters Cereal

"Bless you rainbow rocks!" "Homer those are Fruity Pebbles" "...Doh!"
-Homer's Cinnamon Donut Cereal

"What we weren't fruity enough?! Well we had marshmallows and the kid loved us and its our Birthday too!"
-Dino Pebbles

"So I am just supposed to pretend I wasn't good enough?! I was a cinnamon bun!"
-Cinnamon Mini Buns

"Oh yeah?! Birthday?! Well IIMMM The only chocolate cereal this dude liked!"
-Nesquik Cereal

"I fucking ruled! Plain and simple! An you folks were robbed when they took me away!... oh.. Birthday?... yeah....Lets talk more about me"
-Fruit Marshmallow Krispies

"I sounded delicious! Musta been the rotten hippos fault!"
-Punch Crunch

"I wasn't very good at all! But at least I tried!"
-Scooby Doo Cereal

"I was caramel apple!! Limited my tush! Happy stupid Birthday!"
-Pebbles Boulders

"Pftt... well we added red and blue! Ad they still didn't love us!"
-Razzle Dazzle Krispies

"We were useless and GROSS HOORAY!!"
-Tiny Toons Cereal

"I bet this dude would kill for one of these magnets right now! Happy Birthday!"
-Bill and Ted's Excellent Cereal

"I'm soo bluuueeeeeee and french toast looovvveeess yoouuuu"
-Blueberry Toast Crunch

"And God said it was good.. and then RIPPED IT AWAY!"
-Frosted Toast Crunch

"HO HO oh... man... NOW.. I'm depressed.. Happy Birthday!"
-Christmas Crunch

"Yeah uhhh.. I don't know why I am here.. oh right.. I was a bad cereal Idea"
-Candy Corn Pops

"Oh I see, but dumb old Big League Chew gets historic treatment eh?"
-Home Run Crunch

"What is love! Berry dont hurt me! Dont hurt me!"
-Berry Berry Kix

"I dont know what fruit pink is, but I be the wishes he would've tried it!"
-Pink Panther Flakes

"Whelp, I was another cereal the poor kid never got to try!"
-Vanilly Crunch

"We were his healthy cereal and he loved us!"
-Raisin Grape- Nuts

"Krave? Never heard of her!"
-Hidden Treasures

"Now with MORE cinnamon and syrup! Meh... we were ok"
-French Toast Crunch

-Count Chocula

"Yeah, I don't know what our deal was either, that's why we gave you a free Frosty"

*Maniacal Laughter*
-Nerds Cereal

"Yummy... Mummy!"
-Yummy Mummy

"Haha! We are still here too! And we taste like burnt rubber and poopy!"
-Oreo O's

"We were available for like a month! if you remember us, you are a lucky sucka!"
-Banana Bubbles

"AH, fizzy clusters!"
-Power Puff Girls Cereal

"I'm a fruity brutey!!"
-Fruit Brute

"Whelp I guess that's all of us!"
-Franken Berry

"We were almost as good as the Chef!"
-Sprinkle Spangles

-Breakfast Bears

"Wholesome, and delicious!, and and sharp as fuck!"
-Rice Krispie Treats Cereal

"Crunchen ergin flergy bergin!"
-Croonchy Stars

"Its been 30 years and he can still taste us!!"

"We were as close to Wheaties as this dude ever got!"
-Wheaties Dunk-A-Balls/ Quarterback Crunch

"What a cereal we were!!"
-Morning Funnies