I said it, the horrible word that's been haunting me for a week. It creeps in like a word that cant even slip off your tongue "DIS-A-BIL-A-TY" Where did this come from?! What do I do?!.. I... I dunno. I can write (If that's what you call it).. sure. I can design shirts and memes, but, really, what do I do? I focus on being a Dad everyone says. A dad that needs help walking to the bathroom.. I know this isn't the place to get down. But if you wanna be playing the game with me, this is a part of it.
When we are told the best thing we can do for our family is provide, what do we do when someone else takes the reigns? Even if that someone else is your Spouse? Enjoy it they say, so I'm gonna try. The official word is after having 7 discs removed in my neck, my lower back is shredded beyond repair and magically without anyone's knowledge, arthritis creeped in at 37 that is so unbearable that I cant turn my head even 10 degrees. At 37? How you say?

Dude, I was a kid in the 90's, when I was 6 I jumped trough a glass table and when I was 16 I ate gravel for 20 feet and got up to walk away just as my mom was driving by. It'll catch up sucker. Sleeping in a tuna can on a ship in the ocean surely didn't help either. But, all blaming and bragging aside, my body is totally shot. I have become the recliner dad clicking away at letters, defining life through this and turning tragedy into comedy. So someone say something funny about it please! There, now everyone is in on the "What's up with the Dadmented dude how does he have so much time on his hands" conversation.

This is a new era in my life, I have pushed past everything they have always said I couldn't do. But who says I cant do this?! In awesome ways?! With so much time on my hands and my own .com I am my own master! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem* sorry, just a rundown, I cant elaborate on what it is like to be a stay at home Dad because, I'm brand new round here. Is there donuts? Any kind of snack table?