Alright so on todays menu I wanna drone on the elusive for a while. I don't know if other parenting blogs address the issue because, I'm not a parenting blog.. I'm a dad with advice, I don't really know how to do this good. I just figure if people will embrace a bearded moron telling you who to vote for and why, I can share my feelings and experience to be honest. I covered the "Oh my God the Dads have gone crazy" In one of my Horrid History rants. Today, I'm going after everyone's favorite "free video" hangout with advice on where to go!

"Put em up sucka! I come to steal your stolen video for the good of everyone!"
Ok, firstly, I am an admitted YouTube lurker. I do what everyone else does and look for stuff to put on the internet, its my vice, I'm a Napster kid!. There is a few differences though. Most importantly, I have disclaimers, I know the deal, and I abide with whatever the holder of the glorious Copyright allows, and normally besides a few (especially with mouse ears and Hitler moustaches) are normally real cool. And I make it very clear they have all rights to block, or remove videos. Or if all else fails, there is the Public Domain, and if you know pop culture well enough you can make it work. Don't get your whole empire taken down (believe me I have had setbacks)

"And the sign said long haired freaky people, need not apply. We dont follow rules!"
Ok so "Why do you do that you stupid idiot?" Well, for you guys haha. I am a stay at home dad before anything. Even before all this. It obviously gives me the fuel to keep writing about boring stuff. And I have seen the decline. Especially the Covid-19 era. We spend a lot of time on screens, and I can't condemn it. My kids have a relationship with their tablet. It started innocent like most. We were able to monitor and download for them because they couldn't. If they wanted to explore, they still needed someone to hold their hand. Thing 1 and 2 are now 6 and 9 years old. They have evolved from "Dress the dolly" games, and "Dinosaur spelling" Yes, I have girls into dinosaurs, pretty awesome! Problem is, we become to reliant on the 'laze' while they 'graze' all morning, or the evening crashes where everyone is just quiet and we can refocus on life. You can't blame parenting skills, or lack of, or neglect because the truth is. The world is just changing this way. Its easy to record. Sometimes we use it for good but mostly, it ends up pretty wild. We spend a lot of time on "Facebook watch" listening to the adult version of the next person I am going to complain about before I give you the good info.

Now, the aftermath of "Quiet for 7 hours while I reenergize" is Your child has evolved to, hold on, brace yourself.
YouTube Videos.
There, phew! Yes that's right, all those bumbling little spoiled kids who scream on camera about their accounts going gold so they can buy matching Jet Ski's! And if you don't like and subscribe, they will get your kids to sue in the name of said YouTuber. Its a bad deal! Then they get your house to run around in and build a slime pool full of Jell-O. Saddest part, adults, are paying their bills by acting the same way.
Also, you guys have to need a break from "Screaming Idiot Hour". These places are politics free and just made simply for your enjoyment. We don't make no money off this and never will. My entire point is to recreate what I felt kept me safe. Growing up there was always family time around the TV with something decent when applicable. Away from reality and made for a certain audience. With healthy doses of, well, no. I'll stop there.
I promise, you will never have to watch my kids open a toy you could never afford, instead I risk it all by posting someone else's work so I can continue to live in my box. There are plenty others like me too. All over the net you can find trips into the past. Whether its movies, or a cartoon series chances are you can find it. How do I know? I spend all day doing the same, and this is my personal favorite list of go to places for TV, cartoons, and movies.

"Gimme the videos punk!"
Due to abiding by whatever the GLORIOUS LOVELY and GRACEFUL copyright holders. I cant control on whether my advice will lead you to videos blocked outside of America where I am located, I know personally I have a view videos generally that cant be seen in other places. Enjoy!

The obvious choice! Your one stop shop for all kinds of wild and wacky... wild...ness... everywhere! Cartoons, movies, TV, we dabble in 'stealing' it all! And putting it into episodes that you just have to see! Check it out in the links today!
If you like random action, comedy, and splatter this is the place to be! All VHS Quality, and beautifully bad!
Cartoons, cartoons, OH AND CARFUCKINGTOONS! I don't know how they do it, but I applaud in standing ovation!
Enjoy for hours! tons of content!
The best of the Public Domain!
All kinds of fun cartoons new and old for the younger minds!