That's right I am back with another one of these fun boys! There are so many fantastic ones I just mash them into multiple volumes for you (except the unexpected surprise sometimes!). Lets Head on in to this collection!

Soda Gum!
Man I wish I knew who created but I don't even wanna know! One of my grandma's secret purse weapons to shut us up! My personal Favorite one

Hershey Swoops
Not exactly fossilized in the snack world, their creation and death are fairly fresh in our memories. Yes, they are exactly as described, and they hit so damn good!

Bubble Yum Bannaberry Split
If you don't remember this I apologize! Sincerely One of the first real tests with combo gum flavors. It was also very self descriptive.

Hostess Turtle Pies!
The Good ones!! I still enjoy them to this day! Soon, you can too!😉 They were green and full of pudding! No pie ever hit the same for me. As a kid obsessed with those four toitles, I had everything from bed sheets, to a really great tattoo choice as an adult!

Tongue Splashers
More gum! One of my favorites. We all knew that one cool ass kid who's parents let them spend 10 bucks on a bucket O' splashers... I was not one of those kids, but they were my best hook ups!

Stretchy Gummy Boogers!
Honestly, maybe some of us needed them to curve a booger problem. Otherwise, one of the top gross out candies.

Dominoes Pizza Bubble Gum
Do you need to see anything besides the box to remember this?! I had 5 a week maybe.

Exotic Tropical?! I don't recall! I do remember them being the best at flavors.

Butterfinger BB's
The extra B is for BYOBB that extra BB is for BBYOBBS...sorry... I have three chocolates I actually ate. These are one of them. Why do I like them better if they aren't any different? Uh..... B.. I cant eat 10 butterfingers at a time.

Oh boy! My personal favorite "Tato skin" chip. The Sour Cream and Onion. Want some good news? THESE ARE STILL AVAILABLE!

Allan Gummy Candy
Someone once cried about Crunch Berries not being available in Canada (Just kidding! I love your work!). Well, sleep well knowing we have to pay to have these bad boys shipped here after getting hooked! My gummy of choice!

Nabisco Tid - Bit Crackers
The best cheese crackers in this dummies opinion

Popsicle Cotton Candy Swirl
One day, Popsicle created my favorite Cotton Candy popsicle, and then... it was gone 😐

Trident Splash Peppermint Vanilla
Does this anymore? No? Fuck you then 😥

Jell- O Pudding Bites
Before Yogo's they tried with Pudding, they should've won in my book

Cheetos X's & O's
Ah yes! What was so great and different about them?! Idunno...

EZ Squirt
Yeah... Uh... it was cool! I get it, it was supposed to like, get kids to like ketchup? Because they, didn't? My sister didn't need encouragement, she put ketchup in her mashed potatoes!

Eagle Snack Foods
What happens when beer companies make snack foods? This, this happens AND YOU MONSTERS RIPPED IT AWAY!!

Wonka Bar
Once upon a time, America was given a fine scrumdiddlyumpcious graham crackery..... oof! 😥

Minute Maid Juice Bars
Can you still imagine biting into one in the cafeteria?

Nabisco Suddenly S'mores
Remember putting this suckers in the microwave on a Friday night?! No?, well you ain't the only one! A fantastic idea, with little following.