A what?
Yeah, it's a word we don't refer to much these days. We have a lot of fancy flavorings for conversation we have learned and revived through banter. To be "woke" you have to keep up with the times! No one is going to want to argue back with someone who isn't up to par on their facts on a subject they just found out about! Right? I mean, getting involved in every hot button issue is being "woke" right? Is any of this right? Who is gonna think about what we leave behind for the kids?
I AM, and you can too
This is gonna help you all throughout your life from this point forward! As a parent, a human, and overall 'coexister' with the bunnies and squirrels!
Here it is..
OoOoOoOoOoOo.. so fancy!
Now woah hold on, I ain't getting all biblical here! But I am saying that on a social level. The word is necessary. To find complete humility is to be totally humble, and we exhaust ourselves trying to be so. Sorry though, no one is ever going to be totally divine, even Jesus threw a table and got blitzed on wine. What truly humbles us? Happiness or understanding? I mean don't look at me! I don't have an answer I'm askin'!
We are so influenced and 'educated' by podcasts that we have lost sense of reality. There is no experience. You can focus entirely on one thing just by simply Googling. *POOF* You are now a bona fide expert. Joe bankrupt, now sort of understands how something works, that's where we have a problem here. He doesn't even have a solid stance on the subject. To you, he is the definition of right and wrong. Only the man has no (say it with me) Humility. He has studied for his degree in talking! Therefore, he is founded and correct.
Joe has researched to make an educated review of his findings of something he discovered 7 hours ago. And Joe based his entire structure of thinking off of this information reported to him from his favorite reliable sources. Sometimes Joe is right, but has to think of a way to fill an entire episode telling you so. He has to stretch for things. Now he has an angry audience tuning in for hours on 7 different ways of covering one subject because in secret, Joe has been training all day to bring you this one subject and he is fixated.
"Hey me again, I'm at Target and YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF?!"
No, I didn't have to Google this word. I was simply told to "Mind my business" as a kid I know, it sounds absolutely horrible, but when used correctly it isn't so bad. I heard it a lot because I was always involved in adult conversations. No one cared if I was hanging around listening and learning, but when I started butting in and speaking out of inexperience, people got irritated. Through the years I learned the topics I was interested in, and my family was totally happy to discuss and help me learn. If I spoke without knowledge, I was corrected. That's todays equivalent of "Feeling stupid".
So, to close this up? Where the fuck am I going here? Uh well, lets see.. putting it simply... ah YES!
What I learned in the end through all my "research" is that, I am constantly learning. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have to research or practice things to share for you to enjoy. To be trained under a chef with no humility? Completely impossible, you will get told the correct way to blink over a fryer so you don't burn your eye sockets, and that's just a training exercise. How does he know? Because he's been in this business since 1987 and worked under 'Chef so and so' and made the newspaper several times with his distinguished work. Whereas I once put a jiffy pop pan in the microwave.
The hardest lesson to learn myself was that I will always be learning. Whether it be as a parent, a patient, in the kitchen, or on the internet. I am not a Guru, I don't have all the understanding, I am in no way shape or form comfortable with myself to say "This is the way to think!" I am not here to "wake you up". I am just a dude. Sometimes you aren't going to like OR understand things, and with humility, you can admit that and start the road to overcoming simple things you never could have thought you coped with! Trust me, I am walking the road, I am simply saying "Hey, come walk beside me and learn."