A few years ago, while scouring the web I ran across the video for Coming After Me by a band that I couldn't quite put a genre spin on. It was happy to me, it made me feel good and I became a Baits fan. They have released a lot of fun songs that we never talked about here because the website was at the time, a "failed attempt" But here we are, new and improved and today, Baits released an awesome new single titled Compost Face.
As soon as I heard it I loved the opening chords. It jumped right into the Baits trail of not being able to be classified, they stretch through several genres in just one song a lot of times. I love that fact about them. There's always something fresh throughout an album, are they Shoegaze? Postpunk? Happy grunge? There are tones of all of it, like a happy meal for music. I was excited to hear that there was a new single. They didn't let me down. This new single reminds me of something I would be listening to in 1995 and it definitely needs a comeback!
The grittiness of the song, matched with the melody hits perfect. The sleepy vocals and dragged out tempo make it sound like one great psychedelic trip. They power through the song at a slow "chug" giving you more time to enjoy it. There isn't much more to say, except I patiently wait for more! You can find the Youtube link to Compost Face below. Enjoy it like we did! Spread the word to get Baits in North America!