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Clerks III, an ending to a legacy

When I was 12, I saw a movie that changed my life. I may have been a kid but it was relatable in its own way and of course, I had to follow all the pop culture at the time. What I saw was something that made me laugh, witty, sarcastic Gen Xer's and a glimpse into my early 20's.

Clerks II came out at a time that was completely relatable and I told myself they could never top that movie so there would never be a sequel, and boy was I fucking wrong. It was the first time a movie ever made me shed tears, I was never emotional at movie moments but Keven Smith hit Clerks II with a fantastic soundtrack. He is always able to tear my gut out.

I was wary about Clerks III at first, I thought it was just a cash grab never understanding the passion that was put into this movie. Of course, I watched it as soon as I could, and after sitting through it three times I feel like I can weigh in. No movie has ever really made me angry happy and sad at the same time. I have an issue with emotions so it's hard for a movie to affect me like that anymore. However, Clerks III did just that, it gripped a hidden emotion inside that felt good to let out.

The humor in this movie is top-notch sarcasm, showing they all could still pull off a jaded teenager. The premise hits home with where you would expect this movie to go. It honestly leads a perfect timeline of what you would expect up until the ending where I got the ultimate gut shot and cried my eyes out, I admit it here and now. It's the brutal honesty of being a slacker, turned businessman, turned broken person. Your heart will ache for Dante, and you'll be a little pissed at Randall, as usual, but the moments leading into the last 10 minutes of the movie will haunt me for months. Letting go of this franchise is like letting go of your childhood. It's filled with memories that will make even the person watching it to go back in time. The smells, the sounds, the humor. It's the sad goodbye to a generation who are realizing their own mortality. Everyone was passionate about this movie and you can easily tell. It wasn't just making a movie, it was fun for everyone involved.

In closing, I found a safe place through the entire movie. The hilarity serves the best moments. Jay and Silent Bob are still treasured buffons. Dante is still angry at the world, and Randall is of course, Randall. I can't suggest this movie enough to others. It deserves its own spot in cult movie fandom just as the first. The delivery never lets you down. The soundtrack is once again pinpointed in the perfect moment to make you not only watch the movie, but feel it. What are you still reading for? Go watch it!


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