Alright, In our first episode of self care we got into 3 pretty important scenarios to practice self care in. In todays episode, we are gonna get fucking SPIRITUAL! (I know, it burned just to say it) but it doesn't mean what ya think, I am gonna give ya some Dadmented spirituality tips, some balance, and some 5 MINUTE SELF CARE TIPS!
Lets get rollin!
Spiritual Self Care
Ok the words ain't fun for me either, but they are now that I have an understanding!
Be open to moments of awe and always stay inspired: What does this mean? Its simple, smell a flower, watch the weather, stay in tune with PBS instead of Fox or CNN. Always be ready for moments that make you just say "wow" thats it, its that simple. Lets say you dread going into work, and you tell yourself you can and the first sign of release from the anxiety? Consider it awe inspiring. Promise yourself in all the rough moments to find the beauty, as a movie once made the saying famous... "It can't rain all the time". Find the bluest part of the sky on a sunny day.
Cherish your optimism and hope: Even if it is the tiniest glimmer, let it shine as much light as it can to find help! We all have the one reason for being here, embrace it, and keep pushing for whatever you do! However weird it may be! I will personally give you one single reason to complete the day if need be. We are here together.
Be open to not knowing: It is more than OK to learn new things about ourselves, others, our work, and life in general... its ok.. trust me. That's all I have to say on that.
Sing your fucking heart out! Thats right! In the car, in the shower, in the bedroom, at the dinner table SIIINNNGGGGGG I ain't saying serious, get goofy with it, let it all out and get your blood flowing right into a good mood! I have a Rock Band and Guitar Hero collection, and I only use the Microphone and have A LOT of gold starred songs! No shame, be yourself and belt it out.
DO SOMETHING INSPIRATIONAL: Read a book you like. Contribute to something, anything, even if its just a little time or effort. Be a parent, be a child, be a teacher, learn something. DO IT!
Workplace Self Care
Yep, its here! And possible!
TAKE YOUR BREAKS!: You there! Kitchen rat I am looking at you especially!. Listen it is vital to get just five minutes to yourself, if you don't, it will break you down completely. In some industries, its easy to obtain a 'successful' job, where there is no sit down time at all. Don't let them push you around, take your break, away from the hustle. I mean AWAY from it, take the time in your car if needed, just give your brain a rest, that's what breaks are for
Manage Your Workload: Yes I know how stupid it sounds. Guess what else is stupid? You know all those questions about time management and how well you manage multiple tasks? Yeah, They ask for a reason. The reason isn't just to see how quickly you can get the jobs done before your shift is done, they want to see how well you can handle what they consider a lot of work. Answer those questions honestly and be up front with your boss about how well you work and how you work best. They want to know these things to help you BEFORE you start demanding they change things you cant handle.
Make just a minute of time to shit talk with your Co Workers: Got a friend? Who the hell cares if you stand around for 45 seconds and shoot the shit about the people you don't like, work friends are vital to your health. Keep them close, and choose them wisely. Don't take 20 minutes of your day, but I see make at least 10 minutes out of your day for "fucking off at work" time each day, we aren't machines, we need to vent.
Stay healthy, cause mischief: Always remember, no one likes the dude always clowning around at work, but they love the person who makes them laugh at least once a day, steal my jokes if you gotta, that's what they are there for!
SAY HELLO: I know, it is so hip to walk into work miserable, because you are, because ya wanna be! (sometimes). Just a smile in acknowledgement can do wonders for both persons mood throughout the interaction. Being 'social' doesn't mean being friends, it just means being friendly. Just try, I promise it wont hurt.
You got this bub, come on! Lets feel better!
The next section is one simple word...
It's the glue for everything friend. Without balance we are down the rabbit hole in one form or another. It isn't hard to divide your work and home life, we just fear doing it because we trust our family and confide in them. What we need to learn is the difference between venting to let go and carrying something with us to use at will. I have no tips unfortunately, it is all about developing your own comfort levels of when you've shared enough.
Here's some tips for the busiest of people who cant even find five minutes (Ha! you read this far liar you do have time!)
5 Minute Physical Wellness
Stretch for just a few seconds a day: Real good stretches, I don't mean like touch your toes, I mean stretch that stress out of your shoulders. Take a nice big yawn, get that oxygen in.
Eat a salad: That's right Fancy pants... I said it
5 Minute Emotional Wellness
Find a positive place with positive articles, I am not talking like "Mother Hens Good Stories" or "Dad Patrol" click bait. I like cat videos to cheer me up. Its that easy, and you know that 😀 Also, call a friend, and I don't mean like blow up their phone or vague book, I mean reach out and say "This is really rough, could you just think about me" and the response will also be more direct and clear without a 10 minute run around of what's wrong if you truly don't want to speak on it. Yell at the Dad dudes inbox, and I will answer ya friend.
5 Minute Social Wellness
Say I LOVE YOU! I cant stress that enough, as fucking heartless as I am, I tell the people I care about I love them. It makes EVERYONE feel good, if you don't have even one person in your life to love, I WILL GIVE YOU MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT! Everyone deserves just one person that cares and even asks how they are doing. Text a friend, instead of scrolling your news feed, message someone. Don't shut yourself off and act cool like you are above sending someone a message, if having messenger is a risk for you, block the person who makes it so and move on with your life, breath that deep fresh of air in and breath your fire out.
5 Minute Spiritual Wellness
Read or watch something that makes you feel good instead of staying informed to keep up with the times. Getting ANGRY? Well, what's it gonna hurt to walk away for a minute?
5 Minute Work Wellness
Hide in the bathroom to compose yourself a minute, who cares?...
That's it, two volumes of the minimal self care required to help ya feel better! I hope you read these and use them wisely friends, they can help so much!
Doctorb Dadmented