2022 is shaping up to be the Christmas of horror. There an abundance of Christmas horror being put out either straight to streaming or in theaters. In fact, 2022 has been a good year for horror all around. We finally got blessed with Terrifier 2, Halloween had a strong ending (fight me on it) and The Black Phone was a big surprise. But Tis the Season! So expect some good old fashioned Christmas horror reviews! I started with The Nutcracker Massacre, you can find my review on that, I don't wanna talk about it. This time I sat down to another British horror, that at first, had a lot of promise. Jack Frost (Curse Of Jack Frost)... no, not the killer snowman movie, a new one, I kind of wish it was the killer snowman though...

The premise of the movie is a family celebrating a holiday, and suddenly their world is flipped around with a killer Mr. Freeze walking around, in fact, that's about the most of the gore, just freezing people and using bad CGI to fill the void. I ended up mad as usual by the end of this movie. The movie starts very strong with a very unique story behind the Jack Frost character, and going to war with Santa. There was a lot of imagination put into the first two minutes of the movie and then it kind of died down from there, quickly.
I don't have very high standards, I'll watch anything with bad acting and such, but, you have to draw me in somehow and I will give it to this movie as I said, the first few minutes are great, and then, it all fades away. I understand a meager budget, but it still didn't deliver in the ways of writing, the story got really easy to get distracted from. There wasn't a long line of dialogue like most British horror, but it just didn't give me anything exciting. I also get everyone tried really hard and also had to deal with bad CGI, but that is where good writing comes in.
There was so much potential in the original story, but it just turned basic after that. Also, giving a character a ton of dialogue but the prosthetic won't let his mouth move, something about that just irritated me. There was a lot going on here, some of it was neat and original, the rest of it was very blah. The lack of kills and throwing in twists that don't really make any sense ruined this for me, no matter how hard I tried.
In the end it was a hell of an attempt, I wasn't really impressed, but I won't tell people not to watch it, it's definitely... an experience. It has a little bit of everything for everyone, even though I wasn't impressed in full doesn't mean there were points that didn't stick out. Judge it for yourself, and have fun doing it!