If you can't tell I watch a lot of Tubi, it's free, and they are on their A game with the horror genre. I am a proud Tubi nerd and spend hours watching bad horror movies every day. Every once in a while, I find something really decent. One that sticks out, and has quickly become one of my favorite movies is They See You. It has all that old school feel, and I love every minute of watching it. I was surprised because I am not impressed with the movie list in 2022 except a few that I attach to like Terrifier 2 or this great movie.

This movie takes place on Halloween, when three brothers play with a stolen spirit board and unleash Samael and her demon henchmen. The three brothers and a Wal Mart brand Winchester brothers set out to close the gate before Halloween night is over. What's great about it is they give reference to Samhain, and has that old school 90's feel, without even really trying. The campy fun, and cheap FX make for great moments. There isn't a whole lot of blood, but I'll hand it to them, they impressed me with kills more than once.
Unfortunately, this is yet another movie that fell under the radar. It seems all the good ones get left behind because they don't make it to theaters. People who work really hard on something enjoyable should get more credit. Instead we watch movies about cowboys and aliens, or running from the 5 stages of grief, it's pretty fucking stupid. Horror has made a big comeback this year, but still leaves behind movie gold. I think the original story here, the 90's throwback, everything about this movie is fantastic. The acting wasn't terrible, wasn't great, but wasn't terrible either. The only thing I found to annoy me was a common trick to the eye, where you can tell what scenes were shot during the day to use in a night scene. A lot of movies do this, and for me, it was easily forgivable this time.
So, in the end I will keep encouraging you to watch this movie, it's fucking free people! Let's help indie horror and just hit play and enjoy yourself. The problem is we just can't enjoy horror anymore, it has to be dissected and reviewed to death in long srugout articles, I choose not to do that, we make ours short and sweet, to the point. No budget analysis, no spoilers, and no mercy.